Hidden away on a private island, near Cortes Island, in British Columbia's Desolation Sound, lives an oysterman totally dedicated to the cultivation of the perfect oyster. So much so that he has formed a philosophy that embodies the oyster and utilizes this mollusk as a vehicle for social change. He upholds the oyster as a symbol of timelessness, physical engagement and a Zen-like oneness that can be used to realize the greatness of humanity's collective potential.

His revolution is a call to arms, or more specifically, to those wielding a shucking knife. With a velvet glove, Brent charms and seduces throngs of people to join him in his love affair with the oyster. The Revolution requires its participants to partake in an enormous amount of pleasure, and to live by a digestible manifesto for the betterment of all mankind.

The M A N I F E S T O demands:

  1. The rehabilitation and preservation of marine ecosystems and the ecological harmony between man and nature.
  2. The respect for ethical food production and economic support of small scale oystermen.
  3. Passion for food and life.
  4. Knowledge of the history and current context of the oyster.
  5. The re-engagement of where your food comes from.

By following these steps, Brent will inspire hope for the future of our planet, a better way of living, and restore our faith in humanity, making the world everybody's oyster.

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